
  • Support most important HTML tags
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
  • Easy Graphic Interface
  • Use datatypes to see pictures
  • No HTML knowledge
  • FRAMES support!
  • HTML 3.2 parser
  • Direct edition on final window
  • Metatools editor
  • Complete Documentation (comming separately "metalweb_docs.lha")
  • Embed object soported
  • Source edition
  • Recent files option
  • Print Source
  • Easy WYSIWYG Imagemap edition!
  • Arexx Commands
  • Resize Images supported
  • Font Colors
  • Font Size
  • Horizontal Bars support
  • Bold, Italic, and Underline on direct edition!
  • Basic TABLE Support
  • MetalWEB could be linked with Amiga best browsers using Arexx